When Business Becomes People

When Business Becomes People

While I haven't always been keen on the business world, it has gradually become an integral part of my daily thoughts. Currently, I sense a significant shift on the horizon, driven by the access young, emerging creatives have to build their enterprises. This shift is empowering other young individuals to recognize alternatives beyond working for large corporate entities, fostering collaboration and mutual respect.


This juncture presents a crucial decision for corporate giants. They must either align their actions with their claims of valuing people or resort to leveraging technology over human connections. I believe it's time for businesses to prioritize their most valuable asset—people. One impactful step would be the introduction of on-site therapists, bringing several benefits:


  • Employees would have a designated person to turn to, reducing the practice of venting to colleagues on the floor. These therapists could provide support and actionable steps to navigate challenges.


  • Managers and higher-ups would be relieved from playing roles they aren't trained for, ensuring that their focus remains on managerial responsibilities.


  • Stress levels would decrease, fostering a healthier work environment.


  • Employees would be less likely to carry work-related stress home, establishing a healthier work-life balance.


As a culture, we must acknowledge that work is an integral part of living, and there shouldn't be a stark separation between the two. If businesses prioritize mental well-being, it would not only reward employees but also demonstrate genuine care for their people. This approach goes beyond superficial gestures, feeding the soul of the workforce. While this is a brief exploration of the concept, it serves as a meaningful starting point for a deeper conversation on addressing mental health in the corporate world.

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