- the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
Wed, 26 Aug 2020
I'm starting to practice simplifying things. Every day find my center, find my focus.
I've always looked at things as there was an (A) and a (B) choice, and within those two choices, there were two paths. I've come to realize yes there are choices but there is only one path on the other side, there aren't two different ways it’s one way, and no matter which choice you pick it still leads the same direction, forward. If there were two paths it would imply being able to go back, to choose the other if you wanted. Yet once you open a door, so to say, the other is gone there's just what lies ahead of you now.
Reading this back now I feel like this was a moment of learning acceptance.
Not having the habit of thinking well if I had done this maybe things would have turned out differently. But instead saying here is what I learned from then, and in the now, this is what I can do with that knowledge.