Day 26

Day 26


  1. the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Sat, 5 Sep 2020

The same situation from before followed me to this day. I was not focused on one thing but so many things that I found myself not really doing much, or maybe not even noticing the things that I was doing because my attention for the past two days has just been so worried about doing the right thing, not doing and stepping out in faith. 

Writing this I feel humbled in seeing that even in growth I still have a lot of growing I can do. I still am learning how to hold my focus through all the noise, but seeing that I notice when I'm grabbing at too many things. 

None of these actions are wrong, because they brought me to an understanding. 


Reading this back I feel the best thing about this is that I was able to see the situation from outside of myself and allow for the growth, as well as cheer myself for being aware of what I was going through. I can be my biggest critic sometimes, but often forget to be my biggest cheerleader. I’m thankful that on this day I didn’t forget this. Because now I’m able to have this reminder again.

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