Modern Dating, Dating Apps

Modern Dating, Dating Apps

Navigating the dating scene has become quite a challenge, and I believe there are three key issues at play, ones that resonate with my own experiences and conversations with single friends:


  • People are Traumatized and Hurt:
    Dating has turned into a bit of a nightmare, especially in our late 20s to late 30s. Many of us have experienced long-term committed relationships, and while marriage isn't a walk in the park, there's a fundamental difference – commitment. In the dating world, one red flag or something not quite right, and you're ghosted or, if you're lucky, informed about the end. The issue here is that people come into potential relationships with lenses clouded by past experiences. The fun of getting to know someone is overshadowed by checklists and fears from previous relationships.
  • 85% of People Don’t Know What They Want:
    This one might be a quick point, but it's quite baffling. The number of individuals unsure about wanting to date on dating apps is mind-boggling. If you're not sure if you want to be in a relationship or aren't emotionally available, why are you here? The ambiguity surrounding people's intentions on dating apps and beyond contributes to the trauma and frustration experienced by those genuinely seeking connections.
  • No One Wants to Be Vulnerable or Available:
    The previous two points neatly tie into this one. The constant exposure to hurtful experiences and the uncertainty of others' intentions lead to people putting up walls. These walls, whether consciously or subconsciously erected, hinder genuine connections. It becomes a cycle – weariness from past experiences influences the way you present yourself, and the dating world reacts accordingly.

These issues collectively create a challenging and sometimes discouraging dating environment. However, I've decided to view things differently. Instead of letting these issues irritate and annoy me, I choose to enjoy my single life and find the fun in dating. I won't lose sight of my desire for a healthy connection, but I'll approach it with openness, positivity, and an understanding of the challenges. To my fellow singles out there, let's navigate this dating journey with a sense of enjoyment and a commitment to protecting our energy. And to those unsure of what they want, please consider this a no-fly zone.

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